The research and development team at EPIR works in collaboration with its foundry to invent, model, predict, and demonstrate new techniques and technologies resulting in the creation of materials and devices with superior performance. The R&D team provides both critical device failure analysis to existing prjects and looks to the horizon by developing and testing new prototypes or new applications.
High Operating Temperature Detectors
Suppression of noise sources through expert defect control
Auger suppression and noise reduction demonstrated in MWIR, LWIR and VLWIR devices to bring dark currents below Rule 07
Lighter and more compact sensor systems possible without the need for cryogenic cooling
Allow for transition of high performance infrared systems to defense and commercial market
Two-Color Infrared Detectors
Allows two bands to be collocated on one pixel, providing interfaced frames of each band during operation
MBE allows for composition and doping control at the atomic scale level.
High quantum efficiency, low dark current MWIR/LWIR detectors demonstrated
Improves target discrimination and identification, decreases vulnerability to countermeasure and decoys
MEMS Hyperspectral Interferometers
Division-of-time approach allows for all pixels to image each wavelength during actuation, allowing a wide field of view
Operation-tunable: adaptive waveband selection possible during operation to greatly enhance detection of key wavelengths on the fly
Prototypes already demonstrated and now transitioning to large area prototype FPAs.
Increase the stand-off range, advance rate and operational lifetimes in IED detection systems in support of defense missions
Also allows for chemical and biological agent detection, and long standoff range over a wide area
Avalanche Photodiodes
Low excess noise factor (~1), high gain-bandwidth product and linearity demonstrated in SWIR, MWIR and LWIR avalanche photodiodes
Ideal for high-performance applications
Increases detection range, expands coverage area, improves detection and tracking capabilities
Enable single photon detection and photon counting in low flux environments
Solar Photovoltaic Technology
Developing ultra-high-efficiency multi-junction solar cells leveraging in-house expertise and experience with single-crystal CdTe and CdTe-alloy materials deposited on Si substrates